Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Start

This is a blog to record the forming of a Goth-band and it's journey,  from the start. I've had this on my mind for some time now, and decided it's time to do something about it. In this blog I want to write about music, playing, band-life, song-writing, vision things, and all the things about this process in general. I want to share this experience with you.

So why Goth?

I listen to a wide variety of music style-wise, all the way from Classical music (especially from the romantic era to contemporary composers) to some very popular pop-, and rock-bands. Good music is good music, what ever the genre. One can feel the emotional energy of the players in good music.

But what appeals to me in Gothic music in particular, is it's esthetics, musically, visually and emotionally too. There's some odd mystery to the ears in it's slightly off- guitar sounds, it's danceable rhythms, mourning synths and vocals. There's some dark energy in it, however joyful the song, that is unique to it, and that few other genres can grasp or express.

It seems this energy is a part of me, a part I can't escape. It just comes out of me, one way or the other. The lyrics I write are sad, or gloomy, sometimes to the degree of being cynical. Sometimes they appear to be on the bright side of life, but then there's a dark twist to it. What could be a more suitable genre than Goth?

The problem with this underground music style is that it's hard to find players. At this state there's me (vocals, synths, song-writing) and a drummer. He is a real person, not a machine, as has been the case for some Goth-bands. There have been a few people who joined in, and then decided this wasn't their thing. Now I intend to put up some adds over the internet, musicians' sites in particular, and see if it comes to anything.

 Might be that it'll work out, might be that it won't. If I don't try, I'll never find out.

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