Tuesday, September 12, 2023

New Release coming soon! And it's About Cult Life Again...

Before our next release is announced and the name revealed, some context and back ground is in order. I have done a series of posts on Instagram about this, specifically about growing up in a Charismatic Christian church, or as outsider definitely would call it, a cult. I'll share the posts here as well, and probably some more will come. 

Here you go!

Open Your Eyes to the Revelation!

Photo by @jasual_audio_visual

Did you know that Flora was raised in a cult?

"The church I grew up in was part of an American Evangelical Christian movement called The Christian Fellowship Ministries, or Potter's House Christian Fellowship. They emphasized obedience to your pastor, heavy commitment to the church, spreading the word/converting people," gifts of the spirit" like speaking in tongues, and giving your money to the church."

Read more here (the images might be disturbing to some)


"Obedience was the first and foremost requirement in this church. They didn't even send their young pastor candidates to bible school, but thaught them themselves, pastor to pastor. This way the head of a new church was always subject to his 'mother church'.
Obedience was ensured by requiring heavy attendance from the church members: there were two services on Sunday, one on Wednesday, and there was Saturday 'outreach' and morning prayer meetings.

Shunning, cutting of contact to members who left or somehow rebelled, was also one of the methods of control. Questioning your pastor and things like academic education (which would teach you to question things) were frowned upon.

What I learned through the up-bringing inside this kind of church, was to be obedient in an unhealthy way, and not to question matters of faith.

Coming out of the cult mindset and the process of rejecting the lies was a long journey, taking several years, a few crisis and turning points. Rejecting the lies I was taught and the lies I told my self, was crucial."

And the story of that rejection is the subject of our next song and music video.


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