So many things have happened and escalated in the past few months, that I can't even keep track. The Corona-situation and how different countries have handled it, The on-going and still not solved! Climate Change and the sixth wave of extinction that seem to have been buried underneath other bad news, all the human rights violations and other bad news all the time... But what I've seen just recently on the news and media has made me think. Such things are now escalating that make it necessary to make a stand and speak out.
What I have seen on the news and various media platforms has made me really worried and upset. I'm talking about the news about George Floyd's murder by police officers in Minneapolis, and the shit storm that has ensued after, which some could argue, was bound to happen anyway at some point, judging by the state of things in modern USA. Of course, America is not the only place where white supremacy and ugly ideologies like that raise their monstrous heads, no. In my country a politician was just ousted for making a sick joke about George Floyd's death, and rightly so. (However, the party that kicked him out is still problematic...) This problem is still unsolved, and it is everywhere.
There has also been discussion on Twitter recently, about whether or not Goth music is a-political, and about some bands, whose members have/have had racist affiliations. There is discussion about how the Goth scene is not racist, but still not all people of color feel welcome in the scene, and there are things about some bands related to racism, or misuse of that imagery, that we still have to come to terms with as a subculture. (We know some of the early bands' members used the Swastica-symbols to piss off their parent's generation)
I came across someone who said that it is not enough to not be racist. You have to be anti-racist. I agree with this and I want to make it perfectly clear that I, and we as a band, are against racism. We do not accept the idea that white people are superior to others. That idea is bullshit and based on nothing but imbecile fantasies. That idea has caused immense suffering and cost countless lives. We will not have anything to do with such bullshit.
Just to make it clear.
Love, Hypnosis