Stuff, I guess
So, it's been almost a year since I started this one. Always seems to happen to me, Things get started and then they whither away into oblivion, or hibernate for quite some time before I take them into consideration again...
But not so with the band. We are serious about it, although the situation in the music scene might not be the best one at the moment. Because of the recession fewer bands get gigs that pay. Of course, bands are expensive compared to say, one dude with a guitar, so that explains it. But yeah, we mean to form a serious band, play and publish.
Founding members are now me and the guitarist with whom I have made demos of four songs. (A great guy!) A bassist and a drummer are needed. My drummerbrother living so far away didn't work out in the end. We have now put advertising on musicians websites seeking players and the reception has been more positive than I expected. A few answers already after two days, and one of them a bass player! I'm going to meet him probably next week.
It's kind of a risk to look for players this way. You never know what kind of people turn up. What I'm most afraid of, is that some one we take in would take the reins and lead this into a totally different direction than what I had in mind. But it's a place of learning for me. I'll need to be clear and somewhat tough in expressing my ideas. It's a theme I'll definitely touch upon at some point again.
We also thought about keyboards. There are a lot of them in my songs and they play an important part in the whole atmosphere, like in most music that is defined "Goth". So we have two options: Either get a player who knows his/her stuff and can conjure the things needed from the keyboard or what ever is used. Or, we use ready made tracks. It's nothing new, I think, but would require some hardware purchasing. Having a keyboard player would give the possibility of improvising when playing live, and make the music more lively in general, I think. But keyboard players are hard to find, and I'd like to get to business whether or not we have one. Fewer members could also mean more chances to play. I really don't know.
But one thing is certain: I'm not going to play myself, although I have the equipment and do play in another band. Playing keyboard and singing at the same time is just too much for me to handle. I've seen bands like this and it always seemed to me, that their expression and presence on stage was a bit static. Maybe it was just them, and keyboard playing can be ecstatically energetic, I don't know. But I know I'm not that good, and it would take away at least half of my energy.
Anyway, coming up is the demoing of a new song or rather an old song and meeting the bassist, possibly playing together.